Fighter Application

Altercation Clothing will give you the opportunity to earn some extra money for training and give your fans and family something to wear proudly as they cheer you on. We will customize the front our team shirt with the Altercation Flag and your last name and on the back we will have your fight name or full name.  We will market 3 different designs of shirts on our website for $20 each.  Each shirt that is sold online or at the venue you will earn $5 in CASH to spend wherever you like. (Unlike some so called sponsors that make you buy their product at an inflated price).  You will receive your shirt and the shirts that are ordered before your next fight. If we are at your fight we will also print your shirts and hoodies to order there.



    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Street Address (required)



    Zip Code(required)

    Date of Next fight(required)

    Shirt Size (required)

    Color of shirt (required)

    Fight Name on Back of shirt (required)

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